SOUND RECORDING SYSTEM SOFTWAREendersayin2021-01-29T14:02:07+03:00 SOUND RECORDING SYSTEM SOFTWARE A special software was developed for Parliamentary Assembly to ensure audio recordings…
SQL CONSULTANCYendersayin2021-01-29T14:06:36+03:00 SQL CONSULTANCY With the long-term consultancy service provided in OST, the institution’s database…
WINDOWS WORKFLOW FOUNDATIONendersayin2021-01-29T14:11:04+03:00 WINDOWS WORKFLOW FOUNDATION Consultancy services were provided to Çalık Enerji for presentation of the data from SSCM…
SOFTWARE & SQL CONSULTANCYendersayin2021-03-29T14:34:56+03:00 SOFTWARE & SQL CONSULTANCY Current software applications and software development process of Çalık Enerji were analyzed…
DEALER ACCOUNTING SOFTWAREendersayin2021-01-29T14:18:35+03:00 DEALER ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE The accounting software was developed for the Administration Spor Toto Organization with…
CLUB ACCOUNTING SOFTWAREendersayin2021-01-29T14:21:46+03:00 CLUB ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE A special software was developed to ensure the payment of the receivables accrued by clubs…
SHAREPOINT INTERNET PORTALendersayin2021-01-29T14:25:30+03:00 SHAREPOINT INTERNET PORTAL Çalık Enerji website, the electronic face of the company, which is of the great importance in terms…
INTEGRATION OF THE BANKING SOFTWARE FOR DEALER ACCOUNTINGendersayin2021-01-29T14:30:02+03:00 INTEGRATION OF THE BANKING SOFTWARE FOR DEALER ACCOUNTING The accounting software was developed for the Administration Spor Toto Organization with the purpose…
WINDOWS 7 OPERATING SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION WITH SCCMendersayin2021-01-29T14:34:34+03:00 WINDOWS 7 OPERATING SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION WITH SCCM The Active Directory infrastructure of the Athletics Federation was upgraded to Windows Server 2008…
SYSTEM CENTER OPERATIONS MANAGER (SCOM)endersayin2021-03-04T10:28:51+03:00 SYSTEM CENTER OPERATIONS MANAGER (SCOM) Increasing number of server systems in present day data centers requires regular for their reliable…