SHAREPOINT INTRANET PORTALendersayin2021-03-09T10:47:56+03:00 SHAREPOINT INTRANET PORTAL Within Sharepoint Intranet Portal project developed for Çalık Enerji, a centralized storage…
TRAVEL MODULEendersayin2021-01-29T13:12:48+03:00 TRAVEL MODULE A software was developed to provide monitoring of trips planned by the Çalık Enerji…
INTERNET PORTALendersayin2021-01-29T13:17:46+03:00 INTERNET PORTAL The Wrestling Federation website, which is the face of the Wrestling Federation in electronic…
INTERNET PORTALendersayin2021-01-29T13:21:15+03:00 INTERNET PORTAL The Athletics Federation website, which is the face of the Athletics Federation in electronic environment…
ONLINE SCOREBOARD PROGRAMendersayin2021-01-29T13:24:19+03:00 ONLINE SCOREBOARD PROGRAM Software for Judo Federation was developed to provide integration with European…
INVENTORY MODULE & SAP MM INTEGRATIONendersayin2021-01-29T13:29:26+03:00 INVENTORY MODULE & SAP MM INTEGRATION A software with a user-friendly interface was developed for Çalık Enerji to manage…
TIMESHEET MODULE SOFTWAREendersayin2021-01-29T13:37:37+03:00 TIMESHEET MODULE SOFTWARE Determining the amount of engineering activities consumed in ongoing projects within…
INTEGRATION OF THE BANKING SOFTWARE FOR DEALER ACCOUNTINGendersayin2021-01-29T13:40:06+03:00 INTEGRATION OF THE BANKING SOFTWARE FOR DEALER ACCOUNTING The accounting software was developed for the Administration Spor Toto Organization…
INTEGRATION OF THE BANKING SOFTWARE FOR DEALER ACCOUNTINGendersayin2021-01-29T13:44:58+03:00 INTEGRATION OF THE BANKING SOFTWARE FOR DEALER ACCOUNTING The accounting software was developed for the Administration Spor Toto Organization…
PACKAGING STOCK PROJECTendersayin2021-01-29T13:58:55+03:00 PACKAGING STOCK PROJECT The company that has been in the market for ages ordered a special software to our company…